Advanced Military Sexual Assault Advocate Training
The Department of Defense (DoD) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) collaborated with the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) to develop the Advanced Military Sexual Assault Advocate Training (AMSAAT) for Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARC) and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Victim Advocates (VA).

AMSAAT Image  

Who is eligible for this advanced training?
Only currently certified DoD SARCs and SAPR VAs are authorized to complete AMSAAT as the course is intended to expand upon skills learned during initial training.
What is the value of this training for experienced professionals?
AMSAAT combines expertise in learning development from the Office for Victims of Crime’s Training and Technical Assistance Center with DoD’s broad range of SAPR advocacy capabilities and initiatives. This combination promises a dynamic learning experience that focuses on providing appropriate support for military victims of sexual assault.
How will the training benefit military victims of sexual assault?
This training incorporates a victim-centered approach in implementing sexual assault policy and builds a framework that improves the quality of response to sexual assault victims and encourages victims to report an incident—so they get the care they need, and perpetrators can be held appropriately accountable.

OVC's Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) provides training to support professional development, enhance services to the community, and expand outreach to underserved victims of crime.

  Here are some of the

Proper training and professionalization.
Strengthening the roles of SARCs and SAPR VAs improves victim support and response, from reporting through recovery. A boost in career confidence also can be personally empowering for advocates themselves.

Continuing education credits.
This new Web-based training option counts toward the DoD requirement for continuing education.

Interactive learning online. Participation in role playing scenarios and other interactive exercises enables the advocate to learn from the perspective of a victim of sexual assault as well as the perspectives of other advocates.

Opportunity to assess professional competency.
Periodic quizzes throughout the training provide a measure of competency.


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