
On May 29, 2019, at 2 p.m. e.t., the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center will present an online Expert Q&A discussion with Marcus Bruning on "Law Enforcement Response: Approaching Your Work with a Trauma-Informed Lens."

calendar May 29, 2019
calendar 2:00–3:00 p.m. e.t.

Victims react to the psychological trauma of a crime in various ways. In order to ensure they receive the care they need, you must become familiar with the impact of trauma and the concept of trauma-informed care. This session will provide insight into the surprising similarities of victims and police officers that will help connect the complex thought patterns of a victim in trying to survive the moment and in the long term.

Note: This session will be recorded and posted on the Expert Q&A Past Sessions tab when available.

For more information, visit the Expert Q&A page.

Featured Host

HeadshotMarcus Bruning

Marcus Bruning is a certified Federal Law Enforcement Training Center training specialist and provides train-the-trainer instruction in domestic crisis intervention and intelligence-led policing. He is a nationally recognized expert on law enforcement response to intimate partner abuse, sexual assault, and stalking.


OVC's Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC) provides training to support professional development, enhance services to the community, and expand outreach to underserved victims of crime.

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