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Victim Assistance Training Online

VAT Online is a foundational, Web-based victim assistance training program that offers victim service providers and allied professionals the opportunity to develop the essential skills and knowledge they need to assist victims of crime more effectively. VAT Online has four sections: Basics, Core Competencies and Skills, Crimes, and Specific Considerations for Providing Victim Services.

  1. The Basics section includes information that all victim service providers must know, including victims' rights and the justice systems, which provides a foundation for victim services.
  2. The Core Competencies and Skills section includes modules such as basic communication skills, confidentiality, and advocacy.
  3. The Crimes section includes the characteristics and prevalence of crime, and other information about crimes including sexual assault, elder abuse, and child abuse and neglect.
  4. The Specific Considerations for Providing Victim Services section includes information and skills to serve populations such as campus/university victims of crime, and victims of sexual assault in the military.

The VAT Online training is eligible for credit towards the National Advocate Credentialing Program. View a complete list of all of the VAT Online modules and their lengths.

Looking for help?

Contact us with questions or if you experience technical difficulties:
Phone: 1–866–682–8822

Get Started

Log in and take this training now.

If this is your first time using OVC TTAC's Learning Management System, click the "Create an account" link to register. Watch our orientation video for step-by-step instructions and helpful tips.

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